How Does Cold Laser Therapy Work?
Cold laser therapy got its name not because it actually uses cold lasers, but because they are not hot lasers. Most laser therapy in the medical world actually heats up your tissue, but cold laser therapy does not. Our state-of-the-art equipment utilizes light beams of a specific wavelength that interacts with tissues to promote healing. Cold laser therapy brings about a warm feeling wherever it’s used, which encourages blood vessels to expand and increases circulation to the injured area and helps to produce enzymes. Increased circulation provides an anti-inflammatory effect that is incredibly effective at managing pain and speeding up recovery.
Not only does this help with healing because of the increased blood flow, but it also can bring about immediate pain relief due to the heat. Additionally, the wavelengths emitted during cold laser therapy interact with the cells of the tissues in a beneficial way. The cold laser therapy emits energy that activates more energy production and ATP, which is responsible for cell reproduction and growth. ATP is vital to your soft tissues, particularly when they are injured, as it brings about the regeneration of cells and increases the body’s ability to heal itself quickly.
Laser therapy utilizes photochemical properties help to produce energy. Cells can function as they are supposed to, they are assisted in dividing, the immune system of the patient is strengthened, and ultimately pain is relieved.
What Can Cold Laser Therapy Be Used For?
Cold laser therapy is an incredibly versatile treatment option that can benefit a number of people with a variety of different ailments and injuries. The most common thing that is treated with cold laser therapy is minor injuries and sprains. Ligament and muscle sprains, tendonitis, tennis elbow, neck pain, back pain, bursitis, knee pain, and more are just a few ailments that can be significantly improved with cold laser therapy. Because this treatment reduces swelling and inflammation, it can also reduce muscle spasms and eliminate pain from prior muscle spasms.
It can help a great deal with inflamed areas of the body, including joints, problems areas in the mouth, pain from rheumatoid arthritis, and more. Those who suffer from chronic pain, such as that from carpal tunnel or fibromyalgia, can also experience relief and advantages from cold laser therapy. Sports Medicine is a field in which the benefits of cold laser therapy have been tried and well-received for quite some time now. Additionally, dermatologists see success by treating many skin conditions with the help of these lasers. In terms of pain relief, acupuncturists have found favorable results in treating their patients with cold laser therapy when the people they treat have a level of discomfort with needles, as are traditionally used for acupuncture. Many new uses for this technology are on the horizon and hold great promise for orthopedic patients in the future. Conditions like TBI or traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and spinal cord injury all might be able to be treated using cold laser therapy in the coming years.
Other Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy
In addition to being a viable treatment option for a number of health concerns and injuries, cold laser therapy is painless, noninvasive, and extremely effective. Not only does the use of cold laser therapy provide pain relief and support with healing, but it also releases endorphins and repairs connective tissue effectively. It can take time for individuals to reap the benefits of this therapy, but our doctors will work with you to provide relief for your discomforts, both in the short-term and long-term. To learn more about cold laser therapy and the many benefits it can offer you, get in touch with our specialists and experts at AICA Orthopedics today.