Diagnosing Hip Pain
If hip pain after a car accident has affected you, our orthopedic specialists have the tools and knowledge to help. Our orthopedic doctors use their knowledge and resources to diagnose your pain. This can often be one of the most challenging parts of hip pain, as many medical professionals will simply give you ways to cover up your pain, rather than try to get to the root cause of the pain. Our advanced technology and state-of-the-art imaging allow our orthopedic specialists to get an accurate picture of your hip and figure out exactly where your injury or pain is located and what is causing it. Imaging tests allow your doctor to see inside the hip joint to the cause of your pain. An X-ray takes a picture of the bones that form the joint. A CAT scan or MRI provides a clear image of the soft tissues in the hip such as ligaments, tissue, or muscle or can show areas of swelling. With imaging, our doctors can more accurately diagnose the specific area that is injured to create a plan that addresses your needs.
Treatment for Hip Pain
Our team of specialists work together to form a comprehensive treatment plan. This may include chiropractic adjustments, exercise therapy, stretching, massage therapy, or other related techniques. Your orthopedic specialist may recommend non-invastive treatments such as anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling, steroid injections for pain relief, or even ice or heat for minor symptoms. Our team of physical therapists will work with you to strengthen your hip muscles for better support and increased range of motion. Chiropractors focus on the musculoskeletal system to relieve joint pain. Neurologists address nerve pain that may be the cause of hip pain. Muscle relaxants can help relieve pressure on nerves, such as the sciatic nerve that runs through your hip and down into your leg. If symptoms worsen, orthopedic specialists may suggest a partial or total hip replacement. After surgery, a physical therapist can again help you stretch and work on muscles around the hip to gain mobility and flexibility for a complete recovery. Your orthopedic doctor will collaborate with our team of physical therapists, chiropractors, and any other necessary specialists to provide you with the complete care you need to experience full recovery and healing for long-term relief.
Quality Care for Pain Relief
If you don’t get the care you need to fully recover from your hip problem or injury, it could turn into a bigger, more painful problem over time. Don’t wait to get quality care from experts who can assist you in healing. As soon as you experience any form of hip pain after a car accident or not, contact our specialists and make an appointment. At AICA Orthopedics, our specialists strive to address your pain safely and effectively. We offer a variety of treatment options including noninvasive and surgical procedures that can bring about relief without a long recovery time. Call us today to find out more about our reputable team of orthopedic specialists or schedule an appointment to get started with treating your hip pain.