Neurologists work specifically with the nervous system to diagnose and treat neurological disorders in the brain, spine, and nerves. Atlanta neurologists are highly skilled in diagnosing and treating health issues and conditions such as epilepsy, neurodegenerative disorders, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disorders, and more.

It can be stressful to worry about a potential neurological diagnosis, so a smooth consultation process can help alleviate your concerns and provide you with the information you need.

Here’s what you can expect out of a neurologist consultation.

How Should I Prepare for a Neurologist Consultation?

In preparation, patients will fill out any necessary paperwork to preemptively provide medical and mental health history. It’s also encouraged that patients write down any questions they have for the neurologist and feel comfortable asking those questions in the consultation.

Additionally, you can expect to share your symptoms and how they affect your daily activities in the appointment, so it may help to write these down before the appointment.

What Happens During the Neurologist Consultation?

Upon arrival, you can expect to meet with a licensed and skilled neurologist for a physical exam and potential diagnostic tests. The neurologist will want to hear from you about what you are experiencing, as well as further discussion of your medical and prescription history.

Physical Exam

A neurologist will perform a physical exam during the consultation addressing your nervous system responses. During a physical exam, you can expect the neurologist to review how your cranial nerves may be affecting your speech, vision, and sensations.

They will also assess how your reflexes, muscle strength, and coordination may be affected by your presenting symptoms or related to the diagnosis itself. Depending on your presenting symptoms, the doctor will provide a comprehensive neurological consultation to ensure all areas are addressed.

Diagnostic Testing

After a physical exam, your neurologist may also want to run diagnostic testing to receive further information. Your doctor should only run tests when medically necessary, therefore the following examples of diagnostic tests may not be appropriate in all situations. Some examples of diagnostic testing include blood and urine tests, a spinal tap, or a biopsy.

What Happens After the Neurologist Consultation?

At the completion of your consultation, the neurologist will explain your next steps, including any follow-up diagnostic tests, future appointments, new prescriptions, and therapies.

Any diagnostic test results not presented to you during the consultation will be communicated to you over the next few days after your appointment. Your doctor will want to hear from you if you experience any adverse effects from any treatments or medications discussed.

The AICA Orthopedics Experience

Our team of experienced neurologists and medical professionals is dedicated to providing individualized care for each of our patients. AICA Orthopedics doctors are trained and skilled in all conditions of the nervous system and provide evaluations, diagnoses, and treatment plans for all types, regardless of how complex they may be.

We are dedicated to using a non-invasive approach when possible, and we have a team of surgeons who are also highly qualified to address more invasive, surgical approaches when necessary.

At AICA Orthopedics, we take nervous system health concerns very seriously because it controls so many important parts of the body. We will use every resource to provide you with the best quality treatment available, all in one office at AICA Orthopedics. Contact us today for more information and to schedule a consultation with one of our neurologists.