Regardless of how old you are, exercise and physical activity are crucial to supporting positive, long-term health. Although you don’t need to develop and maintain an intense workout program to improve your health, investing time in physical activity each day is important. If you currently enjoy a sedentary lifestyle, consider starting out by exercising for 15 to 20 minutes per day and gradually increasing the amount of time you work out.

Staying Active As You Age

As we age, there are particular physiological adjustments that take place in each person’s body such as a decrease in muscle mass and tissue elasticity which make us prone to sports-related injuries. Such changes require adjustments in how often we exercise and the types of activities we should participate in to prevent a variety of chronic conditions and diseases. When creating or developing a new exercise program, make sure to include three specific components to maximize positive health:

  • Aerobic training
  • Strength training
  • Flexibility training


Aerobic Training

Aerobic exercise focuses on strengthening the heart and lungs, addresses high cholesterol concerns, helps prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, and reduces high blood pressure. There are also a variety of mental health benefits connected to aerobic training such as a reduction in anxiety, depression, and stress. Consider jogging, swimming, bicycling, or walking three to five times each week to experience the benefits associated with aerobic training.

Strength Training

One of the most effective ways to improve bone and muscle mass is through regular strength training. This particular type of exercise consists of strengthening and toning your muscles by exposing them to various levels of resistance. Actively engaging your muscles causes your body to release hormones called endorphins, which helps improve your mood and can help you sleep better throughout the night. If you are not able to connect to a local gym, you can easily perform a variety of strength training exercises at home such as push ups, pull ups, and lunges.

Flexibility Training

Maintaining a flexible body provides a variety of positive health benefits. Actively stretching your body improves your range of motion, supports healthy joints, and helps prevent potential injuries that commonly occur with age. It is recommended to begin and finish each day stretching, as well as after you participate in physical activity. Consider joining a local yoga class for support or ask our Atlanta orthopedic doctors what types of stretches are safe for you to perform.

Contact AICA Orthopedics To Maximize Your Long-Term Health

You can learn more about how you can improve and support your personal health by contacting the team at AICA Orthopedics. Just dial (404) 855-2141 to speak with one of our staff members about scheduling a consultation or a complete examination.