When To Call A Chiropractor About Hip Pain | AICA OrthopedicsHip pain can manifest in a variety of ways, whether it be from working out or through an injury sustained in an auto accident.

When Hip Pain Presents Itself

Although these two ways of injuring the hip are on opposite ends of the spectrum, the common factor in both is the fact that pain may be present. Upon injury, ask yourself these vital questions:

  • Did you hear a popping sound?
  • Is there swelling or bruising?
  • Can you bear weight on your leg?

If any of these symptoms are present, you should seek medical attention right away. When you begin a new workout regime, hip pain can present as a result of your level of activity. Here’s why, and how to relieve it:

Hip Pain As A Result of Physical Activity

If your hip pain occurs following a new activity, but you can go about your day, implementing the RICE method after working out may help to alleviate your hip pain symptoms. The RICE method includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation. With this method as well as a few weeks, your body will adjust to your new workout regime, and your hip pain should decrease.

However, if your hip pain does not decrease, seeking care from a medical professional may be necessary. A medical professional can address the symptoms and create a course of action and possibly even recommend physical therapy.

Approach To Treatment

Most hip pain is located in the groin area, but a patient may also experience pain in the lateral hip or posterior hip. Also, there are other areas of the hip and pelvis that may also be affected, such as the lumbar spine or sacrum. Treating this type of pain with physical therapy is an excellent first-line treatment for many hips, pelvis, and lumbosacral malalignment or weakness.

If symptoms continue to cause you discomfort, seeking care from a hip specialist may be needed. An X-ray, CT scan or MRI may be ordered to determine the cause of your pain. After assessing the pain and analyzing the scans, treatment in forms of physical therapy or injections may be recommended. Our Atlanta chiropractors may also be able to provide hip pain relief by performing adjustments that correct various misalignments.

If the above treatments do not prove to be practical, and structural problems are present, surgical options may be discussed.

Contact AICA For Diagnosis and Support

If you begin a new workout regime and experience hip pain, contact AICA Orthopedics in Atlanta, Georgia, to assess and diagnose the cause of your pain. Contact us today at (404) 855-2141 for an appointment!