No one plans on an injury or accident occurring. But, when they do happen, the first few thoughts that come to mind are how you will afford the medical bills and time away from work?

There are different types of lawsuits one can file after an injury. One is a personal injury lawsuit which will help you with monetary loses you may face.

A workers compensation claim helps you on your road to recovery in terms of the effect on your way of living. For those who have suffered work injuries such as a torn ACL or dislocated knee can attest to the pain and suffering they endured and the short and long term effects it had on them.

Personal Injury Lawsuit

This type of lawsuit occurs when an individual is injured because of someone else’s negligence. It doesn’t matter if the accident was purposeful or simply an accident such as a slip and fall but if negligence can be found by someone other than the injured, a personal injury lawsuit may be filed. However, in order for a personal injury lawsuit to be successful, negligence must be found.

Workers Compensation

When someone is injured on the job, this state level program helps the injured party pay for lost wages and assists in covering medical bills associated with the injury. Unlike a personal injury lawsuit, negligence does not need to be present in order to receive these benefits. If an injury occurs while working, this benefit can take effect.

The Difference Between Personal Injury Lawsuits and Workers Compensation Claims

Workers Compensation will become a weekly payout to the injured employee as well as covering the medical expense as well as covering lifelong payment if the injury becomes permanent. A personal injury lawsuit is similar but also incorporates, pain and suffering, loss of living expenses as well as the loss to act within the family role.

No one plans on sustaining injuries, but knowing you are not alone in paying medical bills can be a huge burden lifted off your shoulders. If faced with an injury call our Atlanta orthopedic doctors so we can assess your injuries as well as providing you with more information about injury lawsuits. Call us today at (404) 592-1186!