Chiropractic Care
Best Chiropractors in Atlanta
Chiropractic care has been around for a long time, but many people still don’t fully understand what chiropractic care is and how it can help them live a healthy life. If you’re in need of chiropractic services, search for “best chiropractor near me” and see that Our Chiropractors in Atlanta are experts on the nervous system! Chiropractic care focuses on the nervous system’s health to improve the health and function in the rest of your body.
Care from one of our chiropractic clinics can help individuals find relief from a number of ailments and discomfort, and it is a great non-invasive, non-surgical way to treat several health concerns, bring about pain relief, or to help individuals recover from an injury.
Meet Our Chiropractors
Why Does Chiropractic Care Work?
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord, and it is responsible for telling the rest of the body what to do at all times. It makes your stomach digest food, it keeps your heart beating, and it keeps your lungs breathing. It also regulates hormones, makes your organs interact with one another properly, and keeps your immune system firing to fight off sickness and disease.
All of the messages that the brain sends to the rest of the body go through the spinal cord and out into the rest of the nerves in the body. When your spine is misaligned (when a vertebra is slightly shifted or twisted), it puts pressure on the spinal cord and surrounding nerves, which interrupts the messages that are being sent from your brain. When these interruptions occur, the messages get jumbled or don’t even get delivered, and your body simply cannot function without the brain’s messages. This is when dysfunction occurs. Pain receptors are messed up, muscle balance is uneven, and the body’s other systems (respiratory, reproductive, digestive, immune, etc.) cannot function properly. This is when sickness, disease, and pain occur in the body.
Chiropractic care involves spinal adjustments that realign the spine and restore proper communication between the brain and the rest of the body. After a chiropractic adjustment, nerve interference is removed and proper function is reestablished all throughout the body.
What Tools Can Chiropractors Use for Diagnosis and Treatment?
Imaging tools such as a CT scan, MRI, X-Ray, or nerve testing such as an EMG or NCS test can give AICA orthopedic specialists, such as chiropractors, the means to see specific problem areas within the body. Chiropractic care for spinal health is important for increasing and improving overall health and wellness. Being able to adequately diagnose the root cause of pain and dysfunction can ensure that chiropractors at AICA are able to provide the best comprehensive treatment plan possible to treat your pain. At AICA Orthopedics, our imaging tools are state of the art for the best picture and quality every time. Different diagnostic tools are useful for diagnosing a myriad of issues, and each tool is uniquely utilized.
CT Scans
Nerve Testing
Our Chiropractic Services
After searching for “chiropractor near me Atlanta”, and after scheduling a consultation with a highly qualified AICA chiropractor, you will receive the very best in chiropractic care. Our chiropractic services offer a specific and precise diagnosis as well as a full treatment plan that aims to improve your health and wellness as easily and as quickly as possible. You are in good hands at our chiropractic Atlanta care center at AICA Orthopedics.
What Can Chiropractic Clinics Treat?
Most people begin seeing chiropractors for neck or back pain. However, chiropractic care can treat a number of diseases and pain. Individuals who have been in car accidents can benefit a great deal from chiropractic services, as it can help alleviate pain from whiplash, concussion, and general soreness.
It can help the body speed up the healing process for injuries, so those who have been hurt will also experience benefits from being under chiropractic care. In addition to pain, chiropractic can help with headaches, migraines, scoliosis, digestive issues (like IBS and GERD), ADD and ADHD in children and adults, blood pressure problems, anxiety and depression, ear infections, and so much more. In fact, chiropractic care has been shown to not only reduce healing time for injuries, but also prevent injuries from occurring as often, so much so that athletic programs have incorporated regular chiropractic regimens into their required care for professional athletes.
If you’re in pain or would like to improve your overall body function and health, chiropractic care is a great option. Search for “chiropractors near me” because we can help you recover from an injury, heal from an illness, and improve your overall quality of life. To learn more about how our chiropractors can help you, get in touch with AICA Orthopedics today.
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AICA es donde Atlanta acude para mejorar más rápidamente. Tratamos fracturas óseas, roturas de ligamentos, lesiones de tejidos blandos, lesiones medulares, dolores articulares, traumatismos craneoencefálicos, afecciones ortopédicas y mucho más. Lo que quieras, ¡lo tratamos! Haz clic a continuación para saber cómo diagnosticaremos y trataremos tus lesiones en AICA.
- Estoy lesionado y sufro
- He sufrido lesiones en un accidente de tráfico
- Select Closest Pain Point