AICA Marietta Orthopedics
Orthopedic and Chiropractic Clinic

If you are dealing with any kind of pain or injury, an orthopedic specialist can help you determine the cause and provide the right kind of treatment to alleviate pain. Your comprehensive treatment plan is tailored to meet your needs and could include chiropractic care, physical therapy, pain management, surgery, or other orthopedic options that ease pain and lead to a quicker recovery. Upon an assessment, Marietta orthopedic specialists may perform an examination. They can also utilize high tech imaging scans such as X Rays or MRIs in order to take a closer look at the exact area of pain to adequately diagnose your injury and prescribe the right course of treatment. Orthopedic specialists at AICA Orthopedics in Marietta listen to your needs and seek to find the root cause of pain or injury so that you can resume a normal lifestyle once again. You are in great hands at AICA in Marietta.
Technology is an incredible tool that Orthopedics specialists in Marietta can use to provide an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment to address the root cause of patients’ pain. MRI scans in Marietta are an invaluable imaging tool that allow orthopedic specialists to take a closer look at specific areas in the body. These scans use a large magnet, radio waves, and a computer screen to give specialists a detailed look inside the body at muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, or joints to see exactly what is causing you pain. With this information, they are better able to pinpoint problematic areas in order to move forward with a treatment course designed to alleviate injury and pain.
When it comes to your care, orthopedic specialists work together to create a comprehensive treatment plan. No two treatment plans are exactly alike as they are specifically put together to address your pain or injury. Physical therapists, chiropractors, surgeons, spine specialist, and other orthopedic specialists may all be involved in seeing that you receive the very best in care and experience a full recovery. But how can these specialists help manage your injury or pain?
Physical therapy is a treatment of injury, pain, or other conditions through physical methods such as exercise, heat therapy, massage therapy, or strength training. Physical therapy is beneficial for long term health as it strengthens soft tissue in the body in order to restore function, decrease pain, and prevent other possible disabilities. Physical therapists also work alongside patients who have had surgery to aid in the recovery process for a faster, more effective recovery period.
Marietta chiropractors focus on the overall function and health of the body. The spine plays an important role in how the central nervous system functions. When vertebrae are out of alignment, it can lead to nerve interference, or an inability of the body to communicate. This will, in turn, lead to pain within the body, headaches, injury, or even health conditions. Upon examination, chiropractors at AICA Orthopedics in Marietta can locate misalignments, adjust the spine, and restore proper alignment and communication once again. When the body’s systems are in sync, you can experience the full benefits of health and wellness like you never have before.
Numerous Americans across the country are forced to deal with chronic pain every year. But it doesn’t have to take over your life. Pain management specialists are here to help you find a solution for chronic pain. Using their vast knowledge and skills, pain management specialists will provide treatment options, both traditional and innovative, to ease your pain. Such options can include anti-inflammatory medication, injections, nerve blocks, or even newer treatment options such as therapy. One of a combination of treatments could be exactly what your body needs to decrease pain so that you can live a normal life once again.