When osteoporosis occurs, bones begin to lose their density and become more vulnerable to breaks or fractures. However, despite the heightened risk for injury, osteoporosis doesn’t exhibit other kinds of symptoms, which makes it difficult to understand whether or not someone is affected by this condition. To prevent the onset of osteoporosis, our Atlanta Orthopedic Doctors highlight a few steps that individuals and families throughout Atlanta can take to support the strength and density of their bones.

Osteoporosis Prevention

Bone density tends to meet its limit when individuals reach their mid-twenties. During this age, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis to promote positive bone health and to prevent osteoporosis from developing over time.

Nutrition and Bone Density

The types of food one consume on a regular basis has a direct influence on the health of their bones and the ability to avoid osteoporosis. Consuming foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D is essential for protecting bone strength and density. Although vitamin D is easily acquired through the sun’s rays, you may want to ask your doctor about taking a supplement during the winter when there is a limited amount of daylight.

Regular Exercise

Exercise is excellent for improving overall health and is something that each individual should strive to maintain in their regular routine. Exercising at least three times each week is an easy way to help prevent the development of osteoporosis by improving the number of minerals each bone is able to absorb. Exercising doesn’t have to include strenuous weight lifting or activities that do not naturally interest you. Instead, try to locate some type of fitness class in your community where you can connect with other like-minded individuals who can help keep you motivated. At the very least, you should try to walk between five to seven miles each week.

Coping with Osteoporosis

If you develop osteoporosis with age, there are plenty of viable solutions that allow you to manage this condition without disrupting your personal or professional routine. You can review what treatment options exist and discuss which ones are appropriate for your needs by scheduling a consultation with AICA Orthopedics. We specialize in treating conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system and have the resources you need to prevent fractures or sprains. Dial (404) 855-2141 today to see how our team can help.